holy shit, what a perfect lady. full story with many more amazing photos here: http://www.refinery29.com/my-style-at-home-with-kate-foley-of-opening-ceremony?page=1 big ups to sarah for the link!
trying to follow through with some intended d.i.y. projects, this one based off a really sick studded collar i posted recently. i've only gotten half way through this but might try and finish it tonight. practicing on a shirt i was going to get rid of anyways, it's silk though and i think the execution would be better suited to a stiffer fabric. pronged studs tend to make softer fabrics buckle a lot and look less neat. learning process, i'll update if i make another.
I've been trying to scan as many old family photos as I can find when I go to my parent's because they're all shoved in an old dresser in no sort of album or anything organized. Above: my mom looking like an incredi-babe shortly after birthing me (thanks mom!), Halloween where I was clearly unenthused to not be a part of the ninja theme, in the garage...i think this was moments after i did my first ollie, and finally a group shot at my grandparents about 5 years ago (from left to right: aunt ana, bro chris, grandmother, me, grandfather).