christian louboutin: i cannot afford you. i ordered your hong kong counterfeit on ebay but they look like stripper boots. opening ceremony steel toed pumps: i found you on sale at barneys, but only left in a size 11. aldo: thank you for making cool shoes, i just purchased you for $90; i eagerly anticipate your arrival.
i accidentally smashed her paw while closing the window tonight and then stepped on the same paw about an hour later, all unintentional! anyways, this is my ode to pizza
2 picture frames, a bed frame and the best, most enormous full length mirror. cb2 bookcase.
i ventured out to ikea in red hook all by myself today. not the best idea, it definitely would have helped to have more than me trying to lift awkward, heavy boxes and cart them around the store. granted i didn't do much lifting just a lot of being polite and smiling with people who work there. in the end i dropped five hundred bones but i got a ton of stuff. i also got a new bookcase on saturday, i'm in love with. aaaaannnd i bought a gallon of Martha Stewart METALLIC gold paint last weekend at home depot, i guess i'm in early spring cleaning/redecorating mode. also, on the train ride home from ikea i watched a grown man clip his finger nails for about 5 minutes. and yes, i listened to pavement there and back.
my older brothers being cool, first day of school, my cousin jimmy and me after my brother cut my bangs, disneyworld, chris kickin it in the kitchen in a sailor costume